When the AV industry went dark

theavfirm, July 30, 2021

What happened to the AV Industry during the COVID Hibernation is fascinating!

In March of 2020, the Meeting & Events Industry was instructed to cease large gatherings immediately.  We were to go dark and shelter in place.  It was a race indoors to protect all of our brothers & sisters around the globe.  

We as the AV community did what we could to silence our speakers, turn off our lights, load our trucks to head back as quickly and efficiently as we could.

Curious what happened to our industry while we went dark?  The transformations, mergers, and innovation were fascinating!  

Here’s what to expect as we come out of the darkness and power up again:

There was a monumental and strategic merger amongst two of the largest AV corporations. The acquisition resulted in an in-house presence in hotels and meeting venues around the globe. Their new presence will span over 20 countries, they will manage over 2k venues and will manage almost 14k employees.

If you are wondering about the third household brand of global AV companies, a part of their conglomerate was included in the above transaction.  Additionally, a large portion of their workforce was understandably furloughed. 

The privately held companies adopted the theory and word “PIVOT”.  They wore it out so much, that it may need to be retired from the dictionary for a few years.  I would hear Ross Geller in my head, every time I heard PIVOT. 

The private AV partner companies that embody sound business acumen and practices will be available and are awaiting a return to in-person events.  Their new word that will be overused by 2023 will be HYBRID.

Read more....the human side of the pivot…..

Some of our private companies innovated and transformed their warehouses into recording studios.  They adopted various live-streaming platforms and the result, many options for virtual events.

Others, kept to what they know, live-events.  During their dark days, they have QCd their gear. Cleaned out their warehouses with old light boxes and gear from the 90s and are ready to hit the road in a lean and efficient manner.

The “gig” techs did some interesting things to pay the bills and fill their time. A lot left the industry temporarily to pursue other careers. Some in construction, some in sales, and the list goes on. Board games were played, paint cans were opened and they met their neighbors.

Though my favorite, was to see them rehab tools familiar to our industry with passion. The stuff that originally drew their interest in AV is what they gravitated towards during their down time. The top two: A guitar rehabbed and turned into a piece of beauty and art.  A millennial rehabbed many 8 track & cassette tape recording devices. (they weren’t around during their childhood)   

While the theme remains the same, we CAN NOT WAIT to get back to in-person events. 

We are longing for the road.

We are excited to return to long days and even longer nights.  

We are hungry for flat meat trays that arrive on carts back of house.

We are here and anxiously awaiting the opportunity to connect with you again.

We are ready for you!

The AV Firm offers free discussion hours and a free 20 minute conversation with one of our consultants where you can discuss options for your event.  Schedule by sending an email to info@theavfirm.com 

Tina Luppino

Tina Luppino, The First Lady of The AV Firm, is a trailblazing entrepreneur who leads a live event staging and consulting company. With a passion for audio-visual excellence and a commitment to delivering high-impact experiences, she is dedicated to meeting the unique communication, production, and staging needs of corporate and association meetings. As a 100% female-owned business, she brings a fresh perspective to audio-visual excellence and prioritizes the unique needs of our clients.


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